
Monday, February 25, 2008

~Shopping fun~

I did a little shopping today. I need new spring clothes, so a good place to start is an outfit for Easter.

I got this adorable sweater from Christopher and Banks (they now offer online shopping, for those who do not live near a store!):

and then a fun pair of shoes from Payless Shoes Source:

This pair of shoes has a matching purse you can buy, but I don't want to overdo the polka-dots! But I'm thinking...a red purse would look really sharp. Yes? No? I'm making a black skirt to complete the outfit.

And since Payless Shoes Source is having their BOGO sales, I threw these in for fun:

They are perfect for the occasions between dressy and extremely casual!

I have a "theory" for shopping, if you will. I buy 90% or more of my clothing on clearance. But every once in a while, when I need new clothing, I am willing to purchase a few pieces at full price that I absolutely love and know I will wear the entire season. To me, it is worth it. I don't have to wait till the end of the season and pick through the leftovers. But like I said, I only buy a few pieces that way.

I'm really looking forward to wearing my new outfit! =)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

~Sunshine in My Soul~

There is sunshine in my soul today,
More glorious and bright
Than glows in any earthly sky,
For Jesus is my Light.

There is music in my soul today,
A carol to my King,
And Jesus, listening, can hear
The songs I cannot sing.

There is springtime in my soul today,
For, when the Lord is near,
The dove of peace sings in my heart,
The flowers of grace appear.

There is gladness in my soul today,
And hope and praise and love,
For blessings which He gives me now,
For joys “laid up” above.

O there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine,
When the peaceful, happy moments roll;
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.

To listen, click here.

I normally don't post hymns/poetry but today was such a gloriously sunshiny day that I thought of this hymn. I'm glad that though the clouds may obscure the sunshine thorugh much of the winter, I can have sunshine in my soul year round!

~Thank you~

I want to thank Tip Nut for several links to my blog, but especially for the link to the pin cushion tutorial. I get a solid 50+ visitors from Tip Nut on a daily basis, so I guess it's about time to link back to them!

Speaking of the tutorial, it has become a very popular entry page for my blog--accounting for approximately 25% of my visitors, bringing visitors from around the globe! It is the top Google search for "flower pin cushion".

Thank you, Tip Nut! *Smiles*

Friday, February 22, 2008


Not the spider, but the book! Have you ever read Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster? It is one of my favorite books! I have read it four or five times. The book is best reread, because of the ending. I won't spoil the book for those who haven't read it, but it is just a wonderful ending.

I've mentioned before how I love to reread books from my childhood/teen years. My town library was small, and I ended up reading many classics because that's what they had. Sure, they had the fluff, but the classics stand out in my memory.

By the way, I was very disappointed when my sisters and I managed to track down a copy of the movie (which was extremely hard. Can you imagine calling a movie store, and asking after a movie named "Daddy Long Legs". First, they've never heard of the book, and secondly they probably thought it was a horror movie. LOL). But anyhow, where was I? Oh yes, very disappointed with the movie. (There are actually two--a Mary Pickford film, and then a later film.) Someone should remake this movie. It is such an enchanting tale, that could well do without Fred Astaire dancing about. (Advance apologies to Fred Astaire-lovers!)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

~Pigs Monkeying Around~

My newest sock venture:

So named because I'm knitting the Monkey pattern with yarn died in Pigs in Mud colorway from Sunnyside Ellen's shop.

I'm totally loving the yarn and pattern combination. My "piggies" will be nice and comfie in these socks. *Smiles*

Sunday, February 17, 2008

~Tea Towels

When Alicia started talking about a set of tea towels that she was designing, I was looking forward to buying the patterns and making the tea towels. And then, she decided to be super nice and she has offered them free of charge!

I liked each design very much, but Sunday's design puzzled me, as I didn't know what it was supposed to be. Alicia referred to it as a "cheese lady". A quick Google search revealed that a cheese lady is a piece of Polish pottery, so named because it is used for serving cheese (and sometimes pancakes.)

And even though I have never set my eyes on a cheese lady up until now, I really want one. Even though I do not collect pottery, even though I do not serve wedges or wheels of cheese, and even though I do not serve pancakes often. I just think they are so neat! For now I will have to enjoy Sunday's tea towel.

The towels are edged with fabric binding, which I thought was a lovely touch. The first picture shows three fabrics which I've bought so far. I still have to hunt down four more prints.

Polish Cheese Lady image source

Saturday, February 16, 2008

~How Fetching~

As defined by Webster's New World College Dictionary:

fetch·ing adj. attractive; charming

Knitty's definition of Fetching:

I made these to go with my cabled scarf (same yarn used). I started them on Feb. 3rd, finished one and decided to pull it all out because it didn't cover my knuckles/palm. Then yesterday I looked at it and decided to add two more cable repeats to mirror the cuff. I just now finished the second one.

How fetching...a fun little novelty project. I do like my fingers to be warm, but I can see the benefit of these when I run my errands! I won't have to pull my gloves off to get into my purse for my bank card, keys, etc.

Friday, February 15, 2008

~A for Award~

Susan has been kind enough to bestow several awards to my blog! Thank you, Susan! The first one, which *ahem* was quite a while ago, was the "You Make me Smile" award.

I'd like to pass this on to Joyce. She always has such a positive attitude!

And secondly, she awarded me the "E for Excellent" award, which comes with a set of rules:

By accepting this Excellent Blog Award, you have to award it to 10 more people whose blogs you find Excellent Award worthy. You can give it to as many people as you want but please award at least 10. Thank you out there for having such great blogs and being such great friends! You deserve this! Feel free to award people who have already been awarded.

In no particular order, I'd like to pass this award on to:
Mrs. U
Girotti family
Mrs. H

Yes, I know, there aren't ten. But those are a few of my favorite blogs!

Have a wonderful day!

~Bare Escentuals~

A few years ago, my mom and sisters started using Bare Escentals makeup. I was interested, but the cost was a little more than I could swing at the time. However, this Christmas, I used some gift money towards this makeup. I bought the starter kit, and several eye shadows and brushes. I love it! The foundation hides blemishes very well, and covers my face nicely. I don't have that "caked on" feeling anymore!

What is Bare Escentuals? It is a makeup made from minerals (or as my husband says, "dirt". LOL) It is natural, and easy to use. It does take a little getting used to, but I can quickly apply it now that I'm used to it! Here's a link to learn more about it.

When I was in California, I went to a Sephora store with one of my sisters. It was nice to be able to try it out before I bought it. The starter kit comes with a DVD that shows you how to apply it, which is helpful if you don't have a Sephora store nearby.

This post is not sponsored by Bare Escentuals or Sephora.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

~Happy Valentine's Day~

May you bask in the love of the Lord today (and always!) Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Vintage Valentine source

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Not too much exciting going on here...just thought I would say "hello". It's still cold. Still snowy. Still freeeeeeeeezing. So I stay in as much as possible! I did have to go our grocery shopping yesterday. I hate trying to wheel a full cart through the slushy ice in the parking lot! Too yucky!

Hmmm, this isn't a very intersting post. I'd do a WIP Wednesday post, but I don't have a WIP that I'm working on! I still have my afghan to finish. I really do need to finish it!

Have a great day! Stay warm!!! :-)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

~Freeeeezing Cold~

My goodness, is it ever cold! and snowy! I'm glad someone is happy when it snows!

I wove in all the ends and lightly blocked my Reversible Cabled Scarf last Thursday. It makes me very pleased to wear it. Even if I don't tell anyone I made it, *I* know, and it just makes me happy. *Smiles* The last scarf that I made for myself was made out of "fun fur" when I first started knitting. So it was time to make myself one using my more refined knitting skills! I love the color. I love the pattern. I love the yarn. It is 100% wool, so it is a little scratchy around my neck. I'll just have to pay attention to what I'm wearing before I grab my scarf, that's all! If I have a higher-necked sweater on, it is perfectly fine!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

~Public Speaking~

Do you enjoy public speaking? I don't really. My "career" started when I was in 6th grade. The Wednesday night program that I attended did a yearly talent contest. I brought home the flyer, fully intending to throw it away, but my parents looked it over and wanted me to do a "reading".

So I memorized a devotional from Keys for Kids, which was a dad and a girl speaking, I believe, and carefully rehearsed my reading.

The program turn came...I got up, said the title...and forgot every single line. I stood on the stage, a lone tear trickling down my face, and wished that the floor could swallow me up. I made my way back to my seat, and my dad took me outside. After I regained my composure, with the help of one of my leaders, it was somehow arranged that I go back up.

So back up I went, and delivered my speech perfectly. Since my lone competition was a girl who stumbled through a story (sounding as if she had never before read it--I've always felt sorry for her, because it was so obvious she didn't have any help at home), I got first place.

My dubious honor for placing first was to repeat my performance in church on Sunday evening. After another perfect performance (no tears this time!), the wife of the owner of the local Christian radio station came up to me and told me what a great job I had done, and that I had been broadcast over the radio station. I'm sure glad that I didn't know that beforehand!

I'm glad that my parents encouraged me to do this performance, but even more so, I'm glad that my dad (and leader) strongly encouraged me to go back up and start over. It would have been so much easier for my mom and dad to hand me a Kleenex and say, "oh, honey, you poor thing." While I don't relish public speaking, I can do it if need be. I've never run off the stage crying again either! *Smiles*

Saturday, February 09, 2008

~Sweet Potato Fries~

One evening when Kevin and I were eating dinner out, the lady at the table next to us was loudly extolling the benefits of sweet potatoes over potatoes (as she ate her sweet potato). She described to her table mates (and half the restaurant) how she made sweet potato fries instead of regular fries.

So awhile back, I decided to give it a try. And...they were so good! I made them again tonight. Here's how:

***Preheat oven to 425*
***Peel sweet potatoes
***Cut them in narrow strips
***Arrange on cookie sheet
***Sprinkle olive oil over potatoes, toss to coat
***Sprinkle salt and pepper over potatoes
***Bake for about 30 minutes, turning once

And according to, it doesn't sound like the lady at the table next to me made up this recipe. Here's 43 other recipes for sweet potato fries.

~New on Etsy~

I can say my blood, sweat, and tears went into this tea cozy! I really battled my sewing machine with this project! But I'm delighted with the end product, so I guess it was all worth it! *smiles*

Two different cross bookmarks...with more to come in the next few days. Easter is March 23 this year, and these make a very thoughtful gift.

Three small jelly bean zipper pouches (each with a different color trim).

Friday, February 08, 2008

~Today's Forecast~

Cold, cloudy, with sewing on the horizon.

I'm planning on spending the rest of my morning in my sewing room. I have a few things to mend, and then I'm getting to the fun stuff! Mending is the neccessary evil of knowing how to sew. You know how to sew, and all the loose buttons, rips, and tears come knocking on your door! LOL When I still lived with my parents, I was my dad's chief button-sewer-onner. But he didn't let me put it in a pile to do at a mysterious later date--he would give his shirt to me and say, "please sew the button on now." I guess he knew how boring mending was to me!

Now I need to be off the computer and actually in my sewing room!

Have a great day!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

~Ramblings about boots~

When I was little, my family lived in Ohio. When I was in the fourth grade, I was stylin' with the oh-so-popular "moon boots". I was so happy to have those boots. Most of my clothes back then were hand-me-downs, and while I never really seemed to care if I was in style or not, there were a few things I paid attention to, and I was thrilled to pieces when my dad took me out and bought me those boots.

However, I wasn't thrilled when one day I discovered, upon arriving at school, that I had not brought along my shoes. All I had was my very stylish moon boots. While my moon boots were stylish, they were not stylish inside the classroom! My classmates made fun of me (aren't kids so mean?) and I was stuck in my stocking feet until shoes could be procured (which if I remember correctly, was at lunch time). Was I ever so glad to get my shoes!

I don't particularly relish wearing boots these days, but if I do, I make sure to take my shoes along with me!

And speaking of fashion, "Ugg" boots are all the rage these days. In my ever-so-humble opinion, they got the "ug" part right...just forgot to add the "ly". (LOL)

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I'm totally into Sudoku now. I tried it several years ago, and didn't like it at all. Kevin bought a book after Christmas time, and I picked it up and did a few, and got hooked. :-) I've been also solving puzzles here lately. Do you like Sudoku???

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

~I'm so important!~

I get e-mails from dozens of doctors all day long! WOW, doctors have the time to e-mail 'lil old me? I'm so impressed, I delete them all without opening a single one! *Grin*

~Happy Tuesday~

Psalm 121: 1, 2 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.


What's on your "to do" list today?

Topping my list is grocery shopping. Laundry pretty much ties with grocery shopping. Both of my "favorite" things to do. ;-)

Hoping your Tuesday is wonderful!

My brother took the above picture on a very clear day a week or so ago.

Saturday, February 02, 2008


I re-shot my tatted heart bookmarks for my Etsy shop (pictured above are two different bookmarks). With Valentine's Day around the corner, these bookmarks would make a lovely gift for someone you love! *Smiles*

Friday, February 01, 2008

~Winter Chill~

It has certainly been an interesting winter. The month of January brought us rain and thunder storms, snow storms nearing blizzar quality, and lots of ice. The temperature has ranged from 0 to mid-60's!

Currently it is snowing, as it has been all day. The wind has blown so hard that our front porch is covered in snow too!

Thank you for all the well-wishes earlier this week! I have finally gotten over my second bug. Here's hoping there isn't a third bug lurking in the shadows! LOL