
Saturday, September 03, 2005

My first post

"Tammy's Times" is the name that my husband Kevin suggested for my blog, so "Tammy's Times" it is!


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you write! It's easy - just type the words and post! LOL

    It's good that you set word verification, too. You'll avoid a lot of spam.

  2. OH I cant wait to read yours! I have been reading Tami's, Carolyn's, Susans and Jennifers every day. I am really enjoying posting mine..sort of an online diary of daily happenings! Jim thinks its silly but I imagine he will enjoy it more when he is gone away from us. I cant wait to read more!

  3. TAmmy I am so excited you started this.! Hurry up and blog again! :)


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