
Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Fall Weather?

This year's weather has been crazy! We had a very hot and humid summer, without much of a spring, and now that it is supposed to be "fall" we thought the weather would cool down. It's still warm!

I distinctly remember last year, as soon as we turned our calendar page to October, it was cold! We used our heat almost every day in October.

I wonder when we're going to get "true" fall weather?


  1. It will possibly skip from summer to winter leaving us wondering all winter when fall is coming. lol

  2. yeah, it has been too warm some of the time this fall. there have been days with that perfect temp over here. today is supposed to be one of them. 47 degrees currently high of 55 predicted. that is great fall weather to me. =)

  3. Well, I didn't look at the forecast. LOL Cool weather is coming! =)


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