
Friday, January 06, 2006

My latest read

For Christmas, Kevin gave me Beverly Lewis' newest book, The Preacher's Daughter. I just finished it last evening. As always, the book ends with nothing being resolved (All the books in her series are cliff hangers, the last book in the series wraps everything up). And, as always, I can't wait till the next book in the series comes out! I started reading Beverly Lewis' last series, Abram's Daughters, when the first book came out. That was torturous. I had to wait for her to write and publish each book in the five-book series. I vowed never to read a series of hers until ALL the books in the series were published.

But I couldn't help myself. After all, wouldn't it hurt Kevin's feelings if I didn't read the book he gave me for Christmas? Also, who can let a good book just sit around without reading it? Not I. So read it I did. So now I'm obligated to buy the books as they are published!

Oh, very atypical for me, I did not read the end of the book first. *Grin* Kevin thinks it's awful to read the end first. (Well, I don't really read it first...I read the end after I've gotten into the book, and really, really can't wait to find out what happened!) So, for Kevin's sake, I saved the end for, well, the end! But since it wasn't "the end" of the story anyhow, it didn't make that much of a difference anyhow!

About a year or so ago, I got to meet Beverly Lewis at a book signing she did at a nearby Christian bookstore. She gave a little talk, and then opened the floor for questions. Then she signed books. She is a very sweet lady, and it was fun to briefly meet someone whose work you admire.


  1. I can't read the end of the book. I get upset at myself for figuring out the ending that way. =) No books right now for starts up again soon.

  2. I love Beverly Lewis' books too, Tammy. I also read the end of the book AFTER I'm into it!!! LOL Wes laughs at me too. He wants to know what is the use to read the book if you read the ending first? And I hate waiting for the newest books too.

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Beverly Lewis' books!! I have almost all of hers. I got the new one when it VERY first came out and I had it read in 2 days!!! I have been waiting all this time for the next one!! I read the end sometime during the reading of the whole book!! HEHE


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