
Friday, May 19, 2006

The Apron as a Gift

In February, 2001, I decided to make aprons for all of my sisters (7), mom, sister-in-law, and mother-in-law. (Yes, that's right...a total of 10 aprons!)

It started out with an apron pattern in a library book that featured lots of lace and insertions. I went off to the fabric store and came home and made the apron, all in one day. The others were made using various patterns that I either had or bought.

I had planned to make an apron a month, and be finished in November. Hahahaha...have I mentioned before what a procrastinator I am? I had four to make the week before Christmas! But I got them all done! The older girls are all saving their aprons in their hope chests, and my mom uses hers.

The apron makes a lovely gift, whether hand made or purchased. It is something fun to receive, and most ladies do not wear aprons these days, simply because they do not have one.


  1. I knew you'd mentioned making these before, but I had forgotten! I'd love to do something similar for the women in my family, but I'm not sure how they'd be received. Might not hurt to try, though!

    I made that purse I showed you for my mom for Mother's Day. She said she likes it! It turned out really pretty, I thought. I'll post a picture . . . sometime! LOL

  2. What a cool picture and a great idea. :o)

  3. Ugh...I just left you a lengthy comment and then my internet disconnected!! Well...I'll try this again.

    I think that was a sweet thing to do in making an apron for each of the ladies and girls in your family. I don't ever recall seeing my mom wear an apron. I think that could be why it just hasn't ever been something I think to wear. I've ruined several tops and dresses by not wearing them too. You'd think I'd learn my lesson by now wouldn't you?

  4. They're wonderful and that is a precious photo. The more I read about you, the more awesome I think you are. :)

  5. Your apron posts reminded me of this. Quite some yrs I got a bought apron making kit in a store to make one & give to my mkom for Christmas. The apron was already sewn but it had on it a patter printed on it for you to embroider. So I embroidered it & gave it to my mom for Christmas that yr. I have one of my late Mother-in-laws aprons. In a fit of trying to be a domestic homemaker, I took a few pot holders of hers hubby had & sewed them on to the apron in a diabmond shape by hand to make pockets on them. I am no sewer lol...

  6. What a sweet thing to do for the ladies in your family. Thanks for sharing the photo too, it's not often we see images of modern women and girls in aprons! So encouraging, and what a beautiful family you have!

  7. Ya'll look sooooooo cute!
    7 sisters.....Wow!!


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