
Sunday, June 11, 2006

I'm back...

Kevin and I went away Thursday for our anniversary, and got back yesterday evening. We had a lovely time together, site-seeing in Chicago. I took a lot of pictures, and I'll be posting some of those over the next few days. Thursday evening I realized I hadn't packed my spare batteries for my camera, so we bought some cheap batteries. We didn't realize how cheap they were until we got up in the Sears Tower. Every four or five pictures I had to change the batteries! We fixed that problem when we left the Tower, by buying some decent batteries! =)

Big cities are always enjoyable to visit, but we're so glad that we don't live in a large city!


  1. Just wanted to let you know that you were missed in your absence. I am glad that you all had a wonderful time! Isn't it nice to just get away sometimes! I really enjoy your blog and am glad that I have found a new online friend! God Bless!

  2. Welcome home. I wondered where you were. :)

  3. I too wondered where you had been. I'm glad you and your hubby had a good time together. Can't wait to see the pictures you took. I would I could say that I didn't live in a big city. Well...the "city" we live in isn't big itself...but all the smaller cities just kinda join with Atlanta to make one BIG you have to go a ways just to get somewhere where there isn't alot of traffic or alot of people. It makes life interesting though!!

  4. Congratulations on your anniversary, Tammy. I'm glad you had a good time with your hubby. Sounded like a lot of fun!


  5. I have that same problem with batteries in our camera we have to change them every few pictures - even though we use the 'best' ones on offer. Doh.

    Glad you are back, I missed your posts. :o)

  6. there is so much to do in Chicago! we've gotten to do a few things done there. hope to do some more. glad you two had fun!

  7. So glad you're back! I also enjoy your blogs very much. Have a wonderful day!

  8. I'm glad you had a good time! I, too, missed you. (o:

  9. Belated Happy Anniversary! Glad you had a good time. I've been to Chicago once long years ago to visit a friend while she lived there briefly. She took me everywhere. It was such a windy city for sure! Walking those streets to see where Moody Church was...the wind was unbelievable! I have a little snail plant sitter I purchased as a rememberance of my time there so whenever I see him I think of Chicago and my friend.

  10. Awwwwww it feels so good to be missed. =D

  11. Happy Anniversary! :) Hubby & I celebrat4e 20 yrs this month. Time flies...


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