
Saturday, June 03, 2006

My Little Garden

This is my first vegetable garden since I've been married. The first four years that we were married, we lived in apartments. The past two years, the timing of our moves didn't work for planting vegetables, even though we had the room to plant vegetables.

Here's my sweet little garden (after the rain storm):

I planted:
  • Two varieties of tomatoes (one is an early producer)
  • Red and yellow bell peppers
  • Red and yellow onions
  • Green beans
  • Mint
  • Lemon Balm

We'll see how they grow! The soil isn't the greatest, and the bed doesn't get full sun all day. I can't wait for my veggies!


  1. This is a very good start to vegetable gardening. My first year, the only thing I planted was two tomato plants. I think you will find that with just your two, that you will even have some to share with others. I did not plant any this year as I will be moving.

  2. I like gardening too! Here in WA I plant a lot of tomatoes because I want to make salsa and spaghetti sauce, but I don't always get them all ripened before frost. So I put the green ones in a box with newspaper and let them ripen inside. Fresh veggies are the best!
    Blessings, Shawn


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