
Monday, June 19, 2006

"Why me?"

When something goes wrong, do you have a "why me?" attitude? I know that I have had that attitude!

A year or so ago a woman visiting our church told me she had just been diagnosed with diabetes. She told me of her diagnosis, and then said something that totally shocked me, "Why me? Why couldn't it be someone else?" I can understand the "Why me?" part, but wishing an illness on someone else? Wow, very selfish, indeed! I would never say that aloud about a circumstance I'm in, and probably never consciously think it, but isn't that the underlying attitude of "Why me?"

The psalmist said, "Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now have I kept thy word. It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes." Psalm 119:67, 71

In many instances, the troubles that we sigh over are for our own good. Instead of saying, "Why me?" let us take the words of the Psalmist!!!


  1. Wow! So true it is Tammy! Diabetes is a very manageable disease with great advances being made in its treatment. To wish any illness on another is wrong. Considering certain cancers, AIDS and other serious illnesses out there, it is amazing how trivial people can be thinking they are so bad off in a situation. I have asthma, and many other issues and don't wish them on anyone!

  2. Great thoughts Tammy....very thought-provoking.

  3. My question would be, "Why not me?"

  4. Wow, I hope she truly didn't mean it that way~! "Somebody else?"

    Like Shannon said above, diabetes in adults is very manageable, and especially since it's really a reflection of lifestyle choices--the fruit of years of bodily mismanagement, in many cases!

    I don't want to overgeneralize that, so if somebody wants to take me to task over that last statement, please do correct me. (I do so love to be right, and if that means correction, I'll take it :) especially if it's nicely done! LOL)

    But that's what's happened to my mom: she's been diagnosed as PREdiabetic, and I know it's because of her (unhealthy) choices.

  5. I can relate to how that woman feels as my hubby & I are both diabetic & he got legally blind from having diabetes. I had the why me when I was diagnosed too but I would never wish it on anyone. I wouldn't want anyone to ever have to go thru what my hubby or I have with it. But he has done so with a whole lot of grace & is a real spirtual example. He is a real inpiration to me in how he is surviving with diabetes...

  6. Sometimes the shock of a diagnosis can cause people to say things they don't mean because they aren't thinking past their shock and perhaps their guilt if the diagnosis was preventable.

    Sometimes we must allow a word misspoken without judgment on the person. We all say things we wish we could take back or further explain. I would hope my friends would take that into consideration.

    Anne, my motherinlaw is in the same boat. Lifestyle (eating) choices have made her bedbound and I and my husband care for her. She was on so much insulin and other medications when she lived in Florida. She was always sick, passing out, etc. We moved her hear and gradually (with a doctor's overseeing) got her off the insulin entirely through diet and many of her other medications. To think she could have lived a full and healthy life had she done this for herself all these years. :( It's hard not to be angry with her.

    Sorry Tammy...I didn't mean to commandeer your comment board. Touched a nerve, I reckon.

  7. Lisa, I understand what you are saying. I hope I didn't come across as being judgemental. Truly, I wrote what I did as a way of looking inward, not as a means to pass judgement on this woman. "Do *I* have that same attitude?" As I said, I've had a "Why me?" attitude before, and I'm sure we all have at one time or another!


  8. Oh I have the "why me's" at least once a day. :)

    My problem is that God usually says.."Why? Oh that's easy. It's because you didn't listen to me."

  9. What a great post Tammy, it is a good reminder to me :o)


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