
Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Babies no more!

My wee little green beans have grown up. And now I sound like a cannibal. LOL

I picked a good-sized handful of green beans today, and we'll have them with dinner tonight! Yummy, I can't wait!


  1. Oh, Tammy!!! I'm so jealous!! We didn't plant any beans this year (can't remember why we decided not to) and my mouth was WATERING when I saw your fresh-from-the-garden beans!!! Enjoy them for me!!

    Mrs. U

  2. LOL to the cannibal comment! :o) I just love fresh, garden-grown green beans! They are so much better than any from a can! I like reading about your garden... maybe at our next base, my husband and I can try our hands at starting our own...? Hmmm... maybe if I need any tips, I will email you for help, lol! :P

  3. Woohoo! I'm glad your jars are "pinging" now, Mrs. R!

    LOL Mrs. U, I ate them before I saw this comment, so I didn't have a chance to eat them for you. :D

    Arlene, I'm going to head over to your blog and say hello! =)

  4. Arlene, I *was* going to go visit your blog, but your blog isn't listed on your "about me" page. Could you share the URL for your blog? Or send it to me via e-mail, if you wish?

  5. YAY! They grow up fast. *sniff*

  6. Phew! Blogger has been being a major booger today, lol! I have no idea why it wasn't showing my URL today. When I went to check it, I couldn't see my URL, and then just a minute ago I looked... and whaddayaknow, but it's back up! Anyway, guess I don't have to email you now :~)

  7. How wonderful to reap the benefits of growing your own veggies! We are still waiting patiently for our squashes and cucs to spring (only thing we planted this year), the pants are getting huge, sure would be nice to see something besides that happening before they take over the front yard! lol ;o)

    WOnderful share, your garden is doing very well!! You are in MI correct?? When did you start your garden?? Just for next year advice since this year was a try-out, next year I won't be pregnant and moving so I look forward to a much bigger garden! Thanks!


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