
Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A look back into history

I came across this fascinating diary, of a man named Alvin C. York, a soldier in World War I. He was a Christian, and gives God all the glory. It is a long read, but it is worth the time! Alvin York had the equivalent of a third grade education, as shown by his grammar and spelling.

For a shorter account, you can read Wikipedia's version here.

When I was little, my parents got a Christian periodical which published Alvin York's story in one of their issues. His story impressed me then, as it still does today!


  1. Huh....I'd never heard of him or the story. I know Kristina will want to read that. She is a history nut and loves to read about things such as this. Thank you for sharing.

  2. There's a movie, too - "Sergeant York". Wonderful movie and family favorite.

  3. "Sergeant York" is a great movie! I haven't read the biography, but it sounds very interesting.

    Mrs. C

  4. I HIGHLY recommend seeing "Sergeant York" now that you've read the book!! It is a wonderful movie!!!

    Mrs. U

  5. I've never seen the movie--my husband would like to see it some day! I'll have to watch it with him when he watches it.

  6. yep, see the movie, it's quite good. I understand that Gregory Peck met with Sgt. York to get to know him before dep[icting him in the movie.

  7. OHHH yes we have watched Sgt. York so many times my kids love it!!! mater of came on TV the other day & we weren't able to watch it, my daughter DVR'd it!!! Our old pastor would play it for our New Year's Eve celebration!

  8. I have to repeat what the other ladies have posted - the movie is awesome! I would love to read the book, though. Thanks, Tammy!

  9. I loved the movie! And Vision Forum sells a book about him: Sergeant York and the Great War: his own life story and war diary. Like most of the books on my shelves, I haven't read it yet, but if it's Vision Forum, it's got to be good, right?


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