
Monday, July 10, 2006

My hummingbird feeder is up!

Well, I finally "tackled" #82 on my 101 List and put up my hummingbird feeder. Now to finish my mission, I need to keep it filled for the rest of the summer. I put this on my list for one reason--so I would do it! I bought a hummingbird feeder in May and it has been sitting on my bookshelf since then. Not a hard job, just something I've been procrastinating on!

I sure hope there are hummingbirds around!


  1. Yay!! I put mine up a couple of weeks ago. I've seen a few but not as many as last year.

  2. I love to watch hummingbirds! I don't have a feeder, but it's one thing I'd love to have.

  3. Just a tid bit of information....Usually in the spring is the best time to put up the feeder. Hummingbirds send out a scout to hunt for the feeders. They are, of course, attracted to the color red. Although they are territorial, they do tell where they find food. I thought that was really neat when I was reading about it.
    If I'm not mistaken the honey bees do the same thing and they tell each otehr by doing a little dance. Isn't that funny.?


  4. I need to make me one of those 101 lists. Neat idea.

    Oh yea, no hummngbirds in Croatia. ;o(

  5. YAY for getting it up! It is amazing how these simple little tasks are the ones that get put off the longest! lol :o) THEN when it is done wonder why we took so long!

    Keep it up!

  6. Hmmm...I hope the hummingbirds will find it! I'm sure it would have been a great thing to put up in the spring! Ah, procrastingating has it's problems! =)


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