
Wednesday, August 09, 2006

~The Pleasures of Knitting~

Knitting is fun! Knitting is "in"! Knitting is relaxing! Knitting is not hard!

When I was 16 years old, an older lady in my church wanted to teach me how to knit. I went over to her house and learned how to cast on, knit, and purl. However, that was all I learned. I didn't know how to follow a pattern at all.

I kept my needles, and when I was first married, I made myself a scarf, of quite odd proportions--very wide and very long. Then Kevin wanted me to make him a scarf. I didn't want to just knit back and forth, so I went to the library and looked around. All the adult books were just too complicated looking!

So I went to the children's section and found this book:

I brought it home and learned so very much! It was so easy to follow, and easy to understand.

Tonight I stopped by the library, and quickly browsed through the children's section. I found another book that is very good as well:

If you would like to knit, but don't know where to start, both of these books are great starting places! They aren't in depth, and the projects are geared towards children, but like I said, they are both great as a starting point. Don't be afraid of making mistakes! I've "frogged" many a project...(rip it, rip it).

Click here for a nifty website that has video clips to teach you how to knit.

Picture of books from


  1. Tammy, I've never thought of looking in the children's section before. That's such a great idea. Thanks for the tips and the book titles.


  2. I want to learn how to knit... I'm more of a sight-learner, though. I need someone in front of me so I can just be a copy cat, lol. Oh, well. Maybe this would still work for me :)

  3. This post brings back sweet memories, Tammy. I learned to knit as a young teen but forgot most of what I had been taught. At that time I didn't find it relaxing at all. But when I was 20 and expecting my first baby I learned to knit again from booklets. That was over 30 years ago and in that time I have never been without a knitting project for long. I am currently making matching sweaters for my 2 grandsons.

  4. I knitted for a very short while as a child and I crocheted also. I may try it again in the future.

  5. I see my mother has been here :) I was the first baby, lol. Can't wait to see the matching sweaters for my boys! My mother has taught me to knit a little and I found it very relaxing - it's something I'd like to pick up again someday.

  6. I would love to be able to knit but it was too confusing & could never figure it out. My late grandma tried to teach me & I never could figure it out. She & a late Aunt of mine did teach me how to crochet & I am glad I learned that even tho I'm not so good at it. My problem is I start something & never finish it cuz I get tired from doing it easily...

  7. What a good idea! I have used a little more complicated knitting books and they seemed to be incomplete. I want to learn how to knit and to start teaching my daughter. She loves crafty things. I think it would be a blessing to learn how to knit while still 3 years old! :) Blessings!

  8. Children's books!! I LOVE this idea!! I've been wanting to learn to knit forever!! I can crochet, but knitting is just so much prettier in my opinion.

    I'll be out of the house today. I'm going to the library!! :)

    Mrs. U

  9. ROFLOL This is a post for me, isn't it?

    Ironically enough, my friend Audra is going to teach my kids to knit--TOMORROW! (me too)

    We bought some size 8 needles and some cheap, small skeins of yarn, and we're going to make washcloths.

    Is there a right-handed and left-handed way to knit, like there is for crochet?

  10. I've been wanting to try my hand at knitting. Sounds and looks like fun!

  11. Okay, Tammy, I've always thought knitting was scarily hard, but you've got me convinced. I'll have to give it a try!

  12. I saw the Kids Knitting book at Michael's today, plus I had a 40% off coupon. However, I didn't get it because I would rather check it out from the library first to see if I'd rather have my own copy. Instead I got a new pair of wooden knitting needles. :)

  13. Mrs. R, To get to the next row at the end of a row, you much chain up. So if you are double crocheting, you need to chain 3, and skip the first double crochet of the previous row. The chain 3 is instead of the double crochet. Or, if you're single crocheting, chain 1.


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