
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

~Say what?~

Your Linguistic Profile:
65% General American English
20% Upper Midwestern
10% Yankee
0% Dixie
0% Midwestern

So maybe some of the midwestern language is rubbing off on me but I will go to my grave saying "soda" NOT "pop". LOL

HT to Tori


  1. LOL, I grew up with my dad calling all soda "pop," then moved here to Japan where many people call everything "coke" (There are a lot of Southerners in the military, LOL "You want a coke? Okay. What kind of coke do you want?") I'm with you, though; it's S-O-D-A!!!

  2. Interestingly enough, in my part of coastal California it was all "coke" too, then you specified sprite, orange, dr. pepper, etc. How did you manage to call it soda? :D

  3. Oh well, we are what we are!!!
    That's what makes the world so interesting. :0)

  4. Lol, we English say pop. I'd be interested to see how I came out on this as I am not American.

    I find these little quizzes addictive.

  5. Ha, I couldn’t do the test because there weren’t the right answers for me on some. Why would you put toilet paper on a house? I have never heard of the terms for an easy class it used, I would probably say it was easy, lol. We say 'shopping trolley' not cart. We say 'trainers' for working out shoes.

  6. I had 5% Dixie, 15% Upper Midwestern, 5% Midwestern, the other 75% falls into General American English.

    I say "pop". Always have, I think. A lot of people around here say "soda".

    I remember when we were in Tenessee the people there call their shopping carts buggies. It sounded like baggy from one lady we encountered.

  7. Tammy, you mentioned that it was your house at the top of your blog...I'd like to do a strip like that for mine with my thimble collection. How did you get your picture on there?

    You can email me with that answer if you like, or just comment on my blog.


  8. 60% General American English
    15% Yankee
    10% Dixie
    10% Upper Midwestern
    0% Midwestern
    Hmm, not sure what this means but here is what I got.

  9. I call soda "pop" sometimes, but I think its because I have reletives ( from WV ) that say it.


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