
Thursday, August 17, 2006

~Uh Oh~

I need to figure out what I'm going to do with my tomatoes. I picked these this afternoon, and when I came in, I realized I had two more in the house. What else could I do, but eat one? They are just so good! Somehow when you grow it yourself, it tastes all the better!

While I was out in the garden, I also picked my green beans. They stopped producing a few weeks ago, and I was wondering if they were done. But I left them, and they started blooming again. Hurray!

I also pulled all my onions out. I must have missed something in Onion Growing 101. Oh, wait, I never took that class! Well, I'll have to figure out what I did wrong. They didn't really grow that much.

My red pepper is turning red, and more are growing on the plants. I've figured that the tomatoes are going to give me the most "bang" for my buck, and the peppers the least.

Doesn't this just make your mouth water?


  1. Now there's a nice problem to have. This is my first time growing tomatoes where we live now, and I'm quite certain they aren't going to be ready before the frost comes. I can't picture myself lugging that big pot in and out of the house.....

  2. They look so yummy! And you're so funny...'Onion-growing 101'...LOL

  3. Hmmmm . . . I'm not a big fan of tomatoes, but they sure are pretty!

  4. Those tomatoes look great!!! I'm so glad to hear how well your garden is doing. What a blessing!!

  5. When I have a mess of tomatoes and time is short, I just freeze them. It's a lot easier than canning them. You could also make some fresh salsa...mmmmmm!
    Mrs. C

  6. I was going to say the same thing as mrs. c...
    nice maters, btw...

  7. Ooooooh, Tammy!!! They look absolutley DELICIOUS!!! I know you will enjoy them no matter how you eat them!!

    Mrs. U (who believes you can NEVER have too many fresh-from-your-own-garden tomatoes!!!)

  8. I am in the freezing crowd. I just chop mine up add some oregano and basil and throw them in freezer bags. These can later be used in any recipe that has tomato sauce. Sometimes when I have more time I peel them and boil them down to a thicker consistancy before freezing. Our garden didn't do well this year. Tomatoes and cucumbers where about all that did good.

  9. I'm of the "leave them on the neighbor's porch when they aren't looking" variety.....much like what you do with the extra zucchini you have...:)

    Too many tomatoes makes my mouth blister!

  10. Yum! They looks so good. They would make a great tomato pie... :)

  11. MMMmmmmm. Roast them with garlic and basil and make a great sauce with them!

  12. I'm not a tomatoe lover, but those do look very pretty! My Leah Rose would LOVE to help you get rid of them if she was closer! She TOTALLY loves tomatoes!

  13. Yummm!!!! I *LOVE* tomatoes!!! You're right, the tomatoes give you WAY more bang for your buck than the peppers.

    A customer of my husbands blessed us with some tomatoes and cucumbers this week, and I chopped them up and made a salad out of them adding a bit of onion and a touch of caesar dressing.

    Do you like pico de gallo? that's a tastey way to use your maters fresh.
    Enjoy your bounty!

  14. The theme for the week at is tomatoes. there you go, they have anything and everything made from tomatoes

  15. Oh I am jealous! I had so many tomoatoes coming in before we left for the beach---my neighbors took em all and now we're back home and I only have a few left on the vine! (I told my neighbors to take them, so don't think they were stealin' or nothin!)

  16. My daughter just canned 15 quarts of tomato salsa. Those jars with the sealed lids look so yummy! But even after all that work, we still have a counter full of tomatoes! We have company coming tonight so maybe we can send some home with them!

  17. Oh man! You just made me get drool on my keyboard!
    There is no comparison between store tomatoes and one still warm from the sunshine. I used to have them sometimes when I was growing up and I would just eat them and get it all over my chin and shirt!
    My youngest girl likes to eat the tomatoes in my fridge. She is lightening quick. I won't even realize she had darted in and snatched one when I turn and there she is munching down, grinning big!

  18. Tammy, Rebecca from Rebecca's Reflections canned pizza sauce with some of their tomatoes and someone else had canned salsa. You might want to try some of those. I'll have to remember who did the salsa though. :)



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