
Sunday, September 03, 2006

~Telephone Etiquette, Part 2~

My sister-in-law, Rebecca, sent me that comic after my post on telemarketers. The look on Calvin's mom's face (I don't read Calvin enough to know her name!) is hilarious! That's how I feel with some telemarketers...going from calm and polite, to agitated, then totally frustrated with them!

Calla Lily left a comment, that I got a giggle out of:
Caller: May I speak to the lady of the house?

Me: There's no one here by that name. *click*

Too funny.

My dad's first name is one that people sometimes confuse with a female's name, and often when we would answer the phone and people asked to talk to him, and referred to my dad as "she" or "her" we'd just say there was nobody by that name at our house. LOL Since they were asking for a female, that wasn't technically a lie! Another clue that it was someone we didn't want to talk to was if they pronounced our last name wrong. Again, there was nobody there by that name.

Sometimes my younger sisters, in their quest to make sure they didn't pass on a telemarketing call to my dad, were a little over-zealous. Imagine, if you will the following phone conversation:

Sister: "Hello"

Person on the other end: "May I talk to Bro. ___ (our last name)."

Sister: "Is this a soliciting call?"

Turns out it was a man from our church! Haha...most telemarketers aren't that chummy. But, I guess, you just never know!


  1. Wes's favorite thing to say if they call during dinner:

    Wes: "HOW did you know?"

    TM: "Umm, know WHAT?"

    Wes: "That I JUST sat down to dinner? It's amazing how y'all figure that out!"

    TM: "Umm, I'm sorry - is there a better time to call?"

    Wes: "NO!" Click.

  2. ha, it, Susan

  3. Susan, that's so funny! I remember my grandpa telling a telemarketer that "we're eating" and then he hung up the phone!


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