
Thursday, October 26, 2006

~The Refrigerator Meme~

My friend, Mrs. B, tagged me for the refrigerator meme that is floating about the blogosphere.

Here's my fridge just like it was last night. The only thing I did to it before posting this pic was to Photoshop a phone number and two magnets off of it that I forgot to take off before I took the picture. =)

I'll take the easy way out and say that if you'd like to do this, consider yourself tagged! It's easy: just take a picture of your refrigerator, without changing anything before you do so. (And hey--aren't you glad that this meme is of the outside of the fridge? The inside of mine isn't quite picture worthy right now.)


  1. I love how uncluttered it is! You don't see that too often :) Laura

  2. It looks great! Thanks for participating. (o:

  3. Why thank you. Laura, it's about the only spot in my kitchen right now that is uncluttered! LOL There is even a recliner in my kitchen! (Gotta love home projects!)


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