
Friday, December 08, 2006

~Christmas card?~

The office where I work recieved the following card:

However you celebrate the season...
We celebrate your right to do so.
Enjoy a safe and happy holiday.

Naturally, it was from a lawyer's office. I suppose they don't want to be sued over their "holiday" cards. LOL


  1. I heard on the radio today that 95% of people were offended by the generic advertising of Christmas last year. So companies are going back to doing Merry Christmas.

  2. I'd pass out cards and gifts that truly share the depth of God's love through sending Christ His son, and then thank them for the "right" to do so. :)

  3. Yeeks.

    I'm amazed they found the guts to send a card! But my question to them is, "What's the point?"

  4. That's very funny!!

    "Here is your nondenominational winter celebratory card- enjoy in whatever way is meaningful to you!"

    I ALMOST bought Kwanzaa stamps to put on all our Christmas letters, but there was the off chance that somebody wouldn't think it was funny, so I refrained.

  5. That is the most PC card I've ever heard of......ROFL!!!!!!!!

  6. I find it rather sad. Are they afraid to wish people a Merry Christmas? Afraid people would not hire them due to a possible offense? It might just backfire - after all, they do have the constitutional right of freedom of speech and to wish people a Merry Christmas if they would like to and not be sued. I wonder if this card will hurt them the way retailers last year were hurt for not saying "Merry Christmas?"


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