
Monday, December 11, 2006

The Gifts of Madge and Guy

One of my favorite Adventures in Odyssey episodes is The Gifts of Madge and Guy. It's a twist on an old story, and fun for the whole family to listen to! A perfect Christmas story!


  1. OOOH YUUMMM!!! Tammy, we LOVE Indian food!!! I'm soooo glad that you shared these recipes!! I am DEFINITELY making them for our family!!

    Mrs. U

  2. We love the Madge and Guy episode as well! I'm pretty sure we have it on tape...I'm hearing all those people falling out the door since the porch (or was it stairs?) are missing! :)

  3. Oh, Mrs. U, let me know how your recipes turn out! If you need help locating spices, let me know, and I can give you a hand!

    LOL Hope! I listened to it tonight. It's been several years since I've heard it, and I got quite a laugh out of the characters talking to the narrator! And yes...falling out the door, no porch! Hehe!

  4. Oops!! I just noticed that I left this comment on the wrong post!! LOL!!! Silly me, not paying attention... I was just too excited about the recipes!! HA!

    Mrs. U


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