
Monday, May 14, 2007

~Spring Flowers~

When the danger of frost is over, all these flowers will be going into the ground:

I wasn't going to get hanging baskets this year, but I couldn't resist the beauty of these begonias:

Oh, I can't wait to get these planted!!!


  1. OOOH FLOWERS!!!! I LOVE flowers!!! Every year for Mother's Day I get TONS of flowers to plant- my FAVORITE thing! Mr. U laughs at my wanting them. My only request is that he sit and watch me while I plant them. He doesn't enjoy planting them like I do, but he does enjoy talking with me.

    I can't wait to see them planted!!

    Mrs. U

  2. Hi Tammy,

    What beautiful flowers; I just love all the pretty pictures you've been posting.

    Each year I always start planting a little too early because I'm so eager to see growing things:) I admire your wise patience:)




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