
Friday, June 29, 2007

~Two Miles~

I took my new bike out for a spin last night. My bike has a sweet little odometer on it, which does make a bit of a clicking noise, but it's oh-so-very-nice to know how far I've gone! It shows milage in the 100ths!

I made it back home in one piece too! I totally think it needs a basket now. A cute little one right on the front will do just fine! I just checked e-bay and found some options:

The woven basket is more expensive, of course, being that it's the one that I'd really like! LOL It will probably be awhile till I get a basket for my bike!


  1. Have you checked at places like Goodwill or others? A couple of leather dog collers and a basket might work if you get a little grafty.

  2. Tammy

    You might check with your local bike shops. I purchased one similar to the one you are wanting (the woven one). It is a little bit more expensive but for the coaster bike like you have it just makes it look so pretty. Also check Craigslist might find one there---or put a wanted on there or if you are on Freecycle you might ask for one there.


  3. Cute!!! I love both of the baskets! Knowing you, you could keep your camera in the basket for shots you happen upon while riding!!

    Mrs. U

  4. Oh the woven basket is perfect for your new bike. I LOVE it!!!


  5. I love the woven basket! : )

  6. For you sweet vintage bike, it simply must be the woven basket! (o:


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