
Sunday, July 22, 2007

~I am so not on a 100 Mile Diet~

Have you heard of the movement which calls for eating only food grown in a 100-mile radius of your town? I suppose I understand the whys of this movement, but I don’t know how well it would work for me.

I do enjoy getting food from my local farmer’s market. It’s fresh and tasty, and hasn’t sat in cold storage for weeks before it ends upon my table.

The real purpose of this post is to say I’m a little rebellious when it comes to this mentality. The 100-mile diet would work for someone who lives in a milder climate, and could obtain a nutritionally-balanced diet year round. Here in Michigan, I can guarantee there’s nothing fresh within a 100-mile radius in the dead of winter, unless someone is growing mushrooms in their basement. ;-)

I’m elated when I go to the grocery store and see fruit for sale that was packed near my hometown in California. Because my dad worked for the USDA for many years as a fruit inspector, I’m familiar with many of the packing shed names and locations. Last week I was at the grocery store and glanced at the fruit. It all looked so yummy, but I wasn't there for fruit. But then I saw the label on the side of the plum box. It was from a packing shed that I used to drive by every single day on my way to work. I couldn't resist then! I had to have some. Besides, the grocery store was calling them plums, but they were really pluots. And pluots are way sweeter than regular plums! And then the amazing thing happened...three of them jumped into my cart!!! OK, I admit, I put them there! And I enjoyed them later! MMMMM.


  1. Unless you can eat ice and snow there is no 100 mile diet in Wisconsin or Michigan

  2. Tammy ~ I was so amazed when I just read this on your blog. Last night I had read some things on it, but it got to late and I wanted to email you, so I did that but then went to send it and I couldn't. So I copied your address down and then today day I found your blog again, sent you a email. But what I think is so neat after I sent it I run across this comment on food 100 Miles radius. I noticed that you live in Michigan, which is where I am from too, you will see in my email I sent you. Thank you again for your blog. I am wondering where about in Michigan. Have a Blessed Day!

  3. You're on to something with the inability to get fresh produce at winter in your clime within 100 miles.

    These people have some sort of weirdo agenda against global trade.
    most of the fresh fruit in the winter comes from Peru, Chile, and Argentina. And then Viola, it's the reverse during their winter... Now everybody can have the ability to avoid scurvy during the winter!!! yeah for free trade!!! :-)

    Also people are realizing that through the economy of scale it's cheaper to eat an orange grown in Florida if you live in new york, rather than one grown in Connecticut.


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