
Friday, November 30, 2007


We've had a warmer fall this year, which has meant that we haven't had much snow. The snow we did get, did not stick. This morning we woke up to a white world. I love to wake up and look out the window on fresh snow!

I don't necessarily like the cold that comes along with the snow, but I do admit that snow (freshly fallen) is so beautiful!


  1. Tammy,
    It is -2 degrees right now. We are expecting a snow storm this weekend. Snow is so beautiful when you can look out and see how God has painted everything white.Hope you have a great weekend.

  2. we had some snow here too! not quite as much as last year (at nearly a foot), but enough to cover most of the brown/green earth. =)

  3. I miss snow too! Glad you're getting some though!


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