
Wednesday, December 19, 2007

~Listening~ I work in the kitchen:

...a thrifted record. I love my turntable...and Julie Andrew's voice...and the lovely crackliness of listening to records!


  1. Records! I didn't know anybody but collectors had those anymore. And you are actually listening to them? WOW! They do have a nice sound to them, don't they? I have fond memories of listening to records as a child.

  2. Great gift, Tammy! They look so nice. I am sure she will love them! I have some of that yarn in my stash, but have not used it yet. How did you like knitting with it?

  3. Oops..somehow that comment ended up on the wrong post! I meant to put it under "More secrets," lol!

  4. Thanks, Heather! Overall, it was fine to knit with. However, the four strands that make the yarn come apart easily, you have to really watch and make sure you stick the needle through all four strands. Also, it made my hands smell a little funny while I was working on it. LOL Otherwise, the yarn works up into a soft knit!

  5. You're listening to records! Do you know how many *decades* it's been since I listened to a record? LOL Very fun!

  6. How neat... I was just thinking about one of my favorite childhood Christmas records the other day. My parents still have a cabinet full of records and the turntable to play them on! Guess I need to visit them! :)

  7. I thought we were the only ones left listening to records!! ;-) Aren't they great!!? My mom let us borrow their old Christmas albums that I remember listening to as a child. My daughter likes to look in antique and thrift stores for old records.

  8. My hubby & I sitll have our old records. They go all the way back to the Beatles & Elvis lol. My hubby loves listening to his Christmas musc by all sorts of artists. My late Aunt & Uncle who were Independant Baptists had given us some of their old IFB records before they died. Awhile back one day my hubby got some out & we had fun deciding which ones we liked best lol...

  9. My parents used to have this Roy Rogers and Dale Evans record for Christmas that we always pulled out in December. I see a tape of that record in sold in stores today, but some of the best songs are missing. Too much about the Saviour! I have a tape made from that record and I love it!!!!

  10. Hubby loves listening to records. And I'm sure yours sounds lovely too. I like to hear Julie Andrews sing.



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