
Wednesday, January 09, 2008


What are some great books you read in 2007? And what books do you have lined up for 2008?

Currently reading: In the Best Possible Light by Beneth Peters Jones. An excellent resource for any Christian woman! I received it for Christmas.


  1. The BIBLE.

  2. I vote for the Bible too. I did read the book by the Baptist preacher who died & went to heaven & came back. That was good. I bought it for my hubby for Christmas when I found it on sale & read it before giving it to him lol. I also read some fan fiction on the Starsky & Hutch cop show that I love (A 70's cop tv show) & a coupla novels on it. But mainly the Bible. As long as I read the Bible, that's the main thing... :)

  3. I'm reading the series the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency.

    I haven't made any plans to read through the Bible in a year, but I have been studying it a lot more. =)

  4. I haven't really made a list for the year but now that you mention it there are some books I need to read that are on my shelves.

  5. Oh, very timely post, because I just updated my sidebar from 2007 to 2008!

    And as I review 2007--- there were some good books along the way--nothing very earth-shattering or provoking, but some good, solid books. A fair bit of tripe, as well! Notable were The Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare, The Curate's Awakening by George MacDonald (I enjoy his books), Kidnapped! by Robert Louis Stevenson. The Terry Pratchett Bromeliad trilogy was witty and charming, too.

    This year has started off well - Andy recommended Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas' book My Grandfather's Son, which was a quick and enjoyable read. And I too have begun reading the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series.

  6. Love Beneth Jones! Love her books and love to hear her speak. Currently I'm reading The Parting by Beverly Lewis and I just finished a book called Secrets of Wisdom from Mother's Heart by Joe Aldrich. It's not a very big reading book. Basically on one side of the page is a post from Doris Aldrich from when she wrote for Moody Magazine. The name of her column was Out of the Mixing Bowl. On the other side is a thought from her son Joe. I posted an excerpt of the book at Thimble Thoughts. It is a really wonderful book and each page touches your heart. It was so good I had it read in really less than a day. Just couldn't put it down. I don't know what I have in store for 2008...just kind of reading them as they come. I didn't do much reading in 2007, but I would like to change that this year.


  7. I read 12 Steps To Becoming A More Organized Woman and it was really good.

  8. I need to read, "Water for Elephants" for my book club this month and then we are going to sit down and make our list for the year. I usually base my reading off of that list.

    This past year, I really loved "Eat,Pray,Love." It just really seemed to resonate with me. Although I didn't agree with everything in it, I really loved the message that you could find God in unlikely places.


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