
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

~Signs of Spring~

When we moved from California to Michigan, I thought that winter would be many months of whiteness...that the snow would just keep piling up and up and up all winter long. So after our first winter storm, I was surprised that it all melted away several days later. That was the process: snow, melt, snow, melt...all winter long. Snow storms never came when there was still snow on the ground, or at least rarely.

And that was how winter was like our first three winters here. But this winter has been completely different! We had a very late fall, and unfortunately there wasn't much time between the last leaves falling and the first snow. Since our first snow, we haven't seen the ground--or much of it! (Which means that the lawn is covered in leaves still! Eeks--I'm not anxious to see the state of our lawn!)

In February, much of our area got either record snowfalls or close to it. It snowed almost every day!

But this brings me to the title of my post - the snow is melting off now, and since it was a little warmer yesterday, I walked around the house. I saw crocuses popping up, some tulips in a sunnier spot, and my grape hyacinths! Oh, I can't wait to see them bloom! :-)

Ecc. 3:11a:
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time.


  1. Hi Tammy! I just awarded you the Excellent Award over on my blog.

  2. Oh I bet your so happy to see those little beauties peaking through. I love the first part of spring when new life is blooming everywhere.

    Happy soon to be Spring!!

  3. Oh I can't wait for summer :) Is it wrong that I jsut want spring to get skipped and jump right into summer? :)

  4. Hi Tammy just found your blog, Its great! having fum reading, I found you by googling sewing room organization, I am in the process, looking for ideas for shelving

  5. Hi Tammy just found your blog, Its great! having fum reading, I found you by googling sewing room organization, I am in the process, looking for ideas for shelving

  6. I LOVE seeing all the new blooms pop up after a long, gray winter!!! That's why I love daffodils so much- down here, they are the first flowers we see!!!

    Mrs. U

  7. Our winter has been crazy too -- so much snow!! And, unlike you, it doesn't look like spring is on the way yet as we just had a few more inches of snow last night!

  8. I'm looking forward to all the loveliness in pictures!!


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