
Tuesday, June 10, 2008

~Delurking Day~

~Hello, hello!~

I've deemed today as a delurking day! Please leave me a comment and tell me a little about yourself. I'll stop by your blog too!

Have a wonderful day!


  1. hello! I love reading your blog and seeing what you are workin on next.

  2. Ok, I'll delurk for a while, lol. I read regularly but rarely comment. Thanks for your wonderful spaghetti recipe - I'm sure the meal was wonderful! I've done that same thing. . .

  3. ME, I come by daily! I love reading your post and keeping up with you.

  4. Kathy here! Sending a big HELLO from Alabama the Beautiful!

    I love your blog! I'm doing a crochet DVD giveaway on my blog if you want to stop by and throw your name in! ;o)

  5. Hey, Tammy, I read all your updates regularly and enjoy it.

  6. Hi Tammy ~ I'm always clicking on your blog and do comment here and there but not on every post. I enjoy seeing all your crafts and gardening and really just reading about anything you do. Keep up the good blogging!

  7. do you know me? =) I'm usually lurking too. he, he. Okay, I'm a dork.

  8. I'll delurk! I love reading your blog and look forward to the little tidbits of info you share.

  9. Hi I've been popping by for over a year now.

  10. I lurk here a lot, but I think I've left a comment before, so you probably know who I am. :)

  11. Thanks for all the comments! I'll be by your blogs later on today!

  12. Hi Tammy...I pop by your blog fairly regularly...thru bloglines...gotta come and check out what you're working on next. :)
    I don't often comment but always enjoy your posts.
    Heather :)

  13. I'm Sandi's best friend Barbara. I grew up in California and met Sandi through Girl Scouts. I now live in Louisiana. Sandi introduced me to Rebecca (online) and referred me to your blog page to see your Paddington quilt pattern.

    I don't have my own blog page, but enjoy reading yours, Sandi's, and Rebecca's. Keep those fun posts coming, they brighten my day!


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