
Monday, October 20, 2008


Something that has been on my mind and heart lately is hospitality. The Bible commands us to practice hospitality, so it is something that is important in every believer's life.

There are so many ways in which to be hospitable, I think the most important step is to just start. I recently checked out four books from my library that I have been browsing through. So many ideas!

The Welcoming Hearth by Elizabeth Skoglund: She focuses on everyday hospitality, being prepared for company at a moment's notice, and simplicity in hospitality. There are many recipes throughout the book, including some Swedish recipes, since she is Swedish.

Hospitality with Confidence by Grace Pittman: Not only does this author look at everyday, simple hospitality, but she also branches out with many ideas for fun parties and larger get-togethers. Something I really appreciated in both this book and The Welcoming Hearth is that the authors really stress that hospitality begins at home with your own family: having traditions, special meals, and treating your family with as much care as you would a guest - important and needful!

The Personal Touch by Rachael Crabb: This book is filled to the brim with stories of how the Lord has worked through the author's life to reach out to others through hospitality. It is written with a sense of humility, and seems to be written by an older author. It is very inspiring!

Love You Can Touch by Jane Jarrell: This fun little book is packed with recipes and gift ideas for special occasions.

I have been enjoying each of these books, and hope to incorporate many of the ideas into my own life. Right now I am still dealing with morning sickness which usually doesn't keep itself to the morning, so it isn't practical to have company right now. Especially since Kevin would have to do all the cooking and preparations! :-) But I recognize this as just a season in my life, and anticipate the day when I feel better and we can share our home once again!


  1. Tammy ~ I LOVE having people over...but like your morning sickness has kept you from practicing hospitality like you would enjoy, we've been somewhat limited also with my aunt living with us temporarily. Of course, we are hosting church here at our home EVERY Sunday to help with having her attend the fellowship also, so that in itself should satisfy my urge for company...but it's not the same. I hope we're both able to enjoy a company meal soon, with all the fixings!

    By the way, I enjoyed being in your state last week...we do have more pictures to post, and I'd love to make a trip there again one day.

    Have you heard of the book, "The Hospitality Commands" by Alexander Strauch? It's a short but good one.

  2. Tammy, what I great post. Since my dh and I will never be in the ministry, we thinks it's our call from God to be hospitable to those around us. We especially love to have missionaries and of course our Pastor's and their families. It saddens me that so many women our age just don't have a heart for it.

  3. Great post Tammy!
    I really have to work on this one. I like to have people over but only if I'm super prepared, my perfectionism coming out. SHAME!
    Anyhow, thanks for a great post!

  4. Hospitality happens to be a gift I was blessed with, and I love having people over, whether they just drop in or are invited beforehand.

    Just a few tips for being prepared for surprise company:

    1. Keep your public rooms clean. If the living room, bathroom and kitchen are "company ready", then you can always shut the doors to the bedrooms and other messier rooms.

    2. When you are feeling good, make a few things for the freezer. A simple cake, casserole, or loaf of bread can turn a surprise visit into a delightful afternoon.

    3. Clean, cook, tidy up, etc. when you are feeling well and have energy. Just spending 15 min. tidying up the kitchen or vacuuming the living room will make your home look more presentable.

    I hope you are feeling better soon. I have two girls and three boys, and I was always much sicker with the girls. Extra hormones, I believe. Have you tried drinking ginger tea? Also, making sure I ate small meals with protein helped me keep my blood sugar normal and kept me from being so sick.

  5. Hi Tammy!
    Thank you for sharing these books! I think everyone, no matter how gifted they are in the area of hospitality, could benefit from reading about it. It is a joy to be able to serve people in our homes, but it is SOOOO easy to get our eyes off "serving" and focus on "impressing". I am VERY guilty of that!!

    I will definitely look for these books!

    Mrs. U

  6. Just stopping by to say hello. I hope that you're beginning to feel a little better.
    You're always in our thougths and prayers.


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