
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

~Winter is here~

Sunday it snowed, pretty much all day long. It didn't stick until later in the day though. Monday morning, not exactly a winter wonderland, but still snowy:

There is still some snow here and there, but most of it has melted. *Sigh* I miss warm weather already!!!


  1. Wow...snow so soon. We have not gotten any yet (and do not usually until Christmas), but I am dreading it already. Just the frost in the mornings has convinced me that it is too cold. I guess it is a good time to stay inside and keep warm! Maybe the snow will bring a festive feeling with it and help you to be in the holiday mood. I am already dreaming of the pies I will make for Thanksgiving....

  2. We have had a couple flurries here (ON, Canada) but nothing that stuck yet. Not looking forward to it either. I think it should snow Christmas eve and that is it :D

  3. Wow, from Fall to Winter in less then a week. Sure am glad I live in California.

  4. Tammy,
    I just stumbled across your blog from another blog I read. You caught my interest immediately with your "winter" weather. We are in east Tennessee and while it is cold here, we haven't seen any snow. While looking at your blog, I scrolled down a ways, and read your post about infertility. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to share what the Lord has done for me. My husband and I have LIVED through the nightmare of infertility. Through all the ridiculous, insensitive, and thoughtless questions that "well-meaning" people ask. I realize of course that these people would never intentionally try to cause pain with their words, but how many times have we endured them, and had to just quietly keep our pain inside. My husband and I were married fourteen years before the Lord gave us our daughter. (She is now nine years old) She has been the greatest blessing to us. And in all honesty, I am now so glad the Lord gave her to us after we were married awhile instead of when we were first married. Our marriage was solidly built on our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and our convictions were strong. Your words touched my heart. Thank you for sharing your feelings here.
    God Bless Your Family as you begin this wonderful new journey.

  5. The cold weather is just another reason to stay inside and knit and sew for the holidays, and for your wee one!

    The only problem is that (for me) it causes much online shopping for yarn. :)

  6. Oh wow, it's just now starting to get cold here in Croatia, can't wait for Christmas!


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