
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

~Completed Outfit~

I finished the outfit for my daughter! I love the way it turned out. Adding the little jacket really made the outfit complete! The bow was a gift, which matches the outfit perfectly!

The dress and jacket were from the Ottobre 6/2008 issue. The diaper cover is from the 3/2009 issue. I lengthened the dress by 2 inches, and shortened the jacket 2 inches, and they are just perfect for each other now! :-)

I also had to shorten the sleeves on the jacket, about one inch. They are still a little long to allow for growth but not too long!

The flower on the jacket; it is the little details like this that make me appreciate the Ottobre patterns:

My machine does not like fleece at all. It gave me fits from the moment I started sewing. *Sigh* I've been thinking about saving up for a sewing machine, and this project pretty much made up my mind - I need a better machine!


  1. This is the cutest outfit ever. Thanks so much for sharing.
    Sue In Cincy

  2. Just darling!! I love the little flower! :)

  3. Oh that is adorable! Good work on that one!

  4. the purks of having a baby girl, all that cute fabric to play with ;) love the outfit!

  5. That jacket is just too cute! The outfit will look perfect on your little one!

  6. Well that is just to darn cute!

  7. That is ADORABLE.....just precious


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