
Thursday, November 19, 2009


I have some little snippets of information and chatter, and decided to put it all in one post. =)

First up: I got a free box of chocolate-dipped fruit from one of those companies that makes fruit arrangements. It was beautiful. It tasted yummy too. Normally, it costs $15. There were 6 pieces of fruit in the box: 4 strawberries and 2 apple slices. Now, if I had paid for it, I would not have thought that each fruit was worth $2.50! It was pretty though...

How did I get this great freebie? Well, I read several frugal blogs, and get lots of great tips, recipe ideas, coupon matchups, and freebie alerts from them. Here are the blogs I subscribe to:
$30 Weekly Grocery Challenge
Domestic Cents
Money Saving Mom
The Bargain Jargon

Next: I have been searching and getting Swagbucks. Are you signed up? It's so much fun. :-) When I do a search and win a Swagbuck I almost stop and do a little happy dance. ;-) I'm almost ready to buy another $5 Amazon gift card with my Swagbucks, which will make my total $25. It's an easy way to get a little extra money (and an easy way to keep seated at the computer just a little longer! LOL)

I recently went to a Pampered Chef party. I can't wait to get my large bar pan that I ordered. In the several years I've had my pizza stone, I've used it for pizza and also cookies and such, but I know a rectangular pan will be easier to work with for the cookies. Plus, it has sides, so I can do things like chicken in it. (Image from Pampered Chef)

And finally: a friend mentioned that I don't have blog links on my blog. So over the next week or so I'm going to work at putting a few of my favorite links in the sidebar!

OK! I'm done chattering. Once I start, it's hard to stop...(I'm this way in "real life" too! LOL)

Hope you have a great day!


  1. The chocolate-covered fruit sounds yummy . . . but I'm like you: $2.50 per piece is not something I'd pay!

    I sub to Moms By Heart, which has all the coupon deals and freebies. I need to set aside some time each day to actually print off coupons and stuff though, because I read them and think "what a good deal" and then never go back to print the coupons!

    I have 2 PC pizza stones. We use them for cookies, biscuits, pizza, and sometimes rolls. Love them! I'll have to check out the bar pan; it might be better for the cookies and rolls.

    Andrew got Beth started on Swagbucks, and she's saving them up for some kind of hair thing one of her friends has. It's on Ebay, and she's watching the price like a hawk! I think we can only have one computer in the house earning Swagbucks, though.

  2. The bar pan from Pampered Chef has many uses!! Our other favorite is the rectangle baker and the square baker. We use those as much as we use our pizza stone.

  3. Hello, Tammy! I absolutely LOVE my bar pan from Pampered Chef. You won't be sorry! I received mine free after I hosted a party, it was almost by accident because I hadn't actually bought into the whole "stones are really great" idea yet. ha ha! I use it for EVERYTHING. It is nearly black it's so well seasoned now. Cooks everything in it beautifully! Hope you enjoy


  4. I ADORE my large bar pan!! I've had it for about 10 years, so it is well seasoned. It bakes the PERFECT biscuits on it!! I've used it for roasting veggies, homemade breads, cookies, pizzas, etc. LOOOOOOOVE IT!! Definitely my favorite pan. If mine broke today, I'd order one immediately!

    Mrs. U

  5. I'm another PC stoneware lover. My favorite use for the bar pan is cooking bacon! It cooks up so nice in the oven & seems less greasy, too!


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