
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

~This one's for my mom~

My mom somehow doesn't find as much humor in the Baby Blues comic strip as I do. Maybe it's too true to life? Anyhow, I got a big laugh out of this strip, from November 15:

My sisters and I used to put on circus shows for my mom. We'd drag her out to the swing set and have her watch our show. She'd grimace and groan and squelch screams. And say, "Are you done yet?" "No, Mom! The best part is still coming!!!"

Because, after all, we were The Winner Girls!!!! Dun-tu-dun!

Comic strip image source


  1. Very cute!
    I saved a Baby Blues comic strip from many years ago that I thought was so funny and reminded me of my eldest and son, at the time.
    The daughter was hollering to her mom that her brother kept watching her so the mom tells him to stop. At the end frame, the brother has all of this toys lined up staring at his sister and the clip ends with the sister hollering "Moooooooommm!". lol

    I enjoyed reading your memory from the past.
    Hope you are enjoying your week.

    ~ Christina

  2. I can laugh now that those little circus shows are so many years behind us!! This cartoon depicts the "good old days" pretty well!! You all lived through your "swing set acrobatics," and so did I!!!!


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