
Thursday, September 02, 2010

~Dishtowel Aprons~

I wanted to share a little project I did last week. A friend asked me about making an apron for her daughter. The project evolved into two aprons for her two oldest daughters.

These were so much fun to make! I followed Randi's tutorial here, which I also used about three years ago to make these two aprons for my youngest sisters.

The towels my friend picked out were so cute! I hemmed them just a little shorter on the undecorated edge so they would be better lengths for her two girls.


  1. Super cute!

  2. Very cute! I love the patterns! :)

  3. Tammy,
    Hello I googled "sewing napkins" and got the tutorial that you did a while back... It is great, thanks I will be checking on your site now and then. I'm a home keeper,wife,and grandmother. I do have a blog that I write just a little in, blessings to you and yours, Erin from Oregon

  4. She loved it! :) Thanks so much!

  5. Thank you, everyone. :-)

    Erin, thanks for stopping by!


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