
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

~Why, Hello!~

It's been a little while since I updated my blog. I guess I've been a bad blogger, eh? There's nothing too new going on, just life. :-) I was thinking today that I no longer blog in my head as I go about my day, so in part that would be why there are less posts than I've previously put up!

So now that I've opened this post...hmmmmm, what to write about? Well, here are some little snippets from my life right now. :-)

My daughter loves to wear my shoes:

I've taken an interest in using Kevin's big, scary camera (as opposed to my trusty little Canon point-and-shoot). I've been experimenting a little bit, but I really want to read the manual and get better acquainted with the camera and all the functions.

I found this super neat tool for saving web pages, called Evernote. It is amazing! You can do so much with it, so far I have saved all my bookmarked recipes. I had so many recipes bookmarked that I had forgotten about half of them. Now they are all in one spot, tagged appropriately and searchable. Since downloadking Evernote, instead of bookmarking a recipe, I now copy it to my recipe notebook. It's easy to use, and I really love it. The only problem I have had is that with a free account you can only save so much each month before essentially locking your account.

Lastly, I was recently contacted by Lil' Sugar. They asked permission to use my picture from my mini deep-dish pizzas. I was pleased to say yes. :-) My pizzas are featured in a muffin tin lunch idea post, found here. There are four other recipes as well.

Have a good day! And I hope to be blogging more regularly! :-) Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Love the shoes and the cute little toes peeking out! :)

  2. I'll have to check out Evernote...sounds interesting. :)

  3. just found your blog today through Charity's blog. I browsed through and ENJOYED so much what you do.You are very talented!I find such inspiration through blogging.I will visit again.have a great day!

  4. Hey, you! I love that picture of Baby's toes peeking through your shoes - too cute! :)

    Congrats on the recipe feature, too. I've tried using Evernote but just can't get into it. Maybe you could teach me about it. I still like using Delicious for all my tagging and bookmarking.

  5. Maresa, thanks for stopping by! Thanks for the comment. :-)

    Susan, it sounds like you have something that works for you, and I guess that's the important thing. :D I've never tried Delicious or any other tagging/bookmarking system.

  6. 'I was thinking today that I no longer blog in my head as I go about my day...'

    Same here, Tammy!! I used to always think,"Oh, I should blog this!!" or "get my camera! I''ll share that on the blog!!!" Rarely do I do that these days. Too busy, I suppose. And I'm one of the few that is not distracted by facebook (which is where most of the bloggers have gone).

    Blessings to you and your family!

    Mrs. U


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