
Wednesday, April 06, 2011


We get our eggs from a family in our church. Most of them are pretty normal in size and shape, but this one was huge:

I haven't done a lot of research, but I've heard that eggs from free range chickens are healthier. I can't vouch for their healthiness, but they sure are tasty!


  1. I expected the yolk to be bigger, but it just had a regular sized yolk, with more egg white.

  2. My mom had three chickens, pets. The smallest one would frequently produce eggs that looked just like that. It makes me think, "OUCH!"

  3. My mom has 6 hens right now that are laying every day. Sometimes she gets them that big! I've never had truly fresh eggs, straight from the chicken, but my parents sure enjoy them.

  4. That egg is HUGE!! We used to get blue chicken eggs from one of our chickens an thought that was really neat. I have never seen one this big, though!

  5. plus the yolks are so much nicer in colour. :) i love fresh eggs!
    (mrsbob from hp)


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