
Sunday, September 01, 2013


Did you know that if you plant pansies in the fall, they'll bloom again the spring? I've wanted to plant pansies in the fall for quite a few years now, but until this year I haven't done so.

Saturday I had a little time to myself, and one of the things I did was stop by the nursery and pick up some pansies. I cleared out some of the summer flowers, and planted my pansies. I didn't do a lot of yard work, but it was nice to get the flower beds in the front somewhat ready for fall. There are still more flowers that will need to come out, but that can wait till after our first frost!


  1. Aren't they edible too? I'm not very good with flowers.

  2. Hi Tammy, it's still too hot here (almost 90 today) to start my pansies. Some years I plant them and some years I decide not to waste the money and wait until early spring. I'm surprised that the cold weather where you are wouldn't kill them. If I plant my pansies in pots down the front steps, then they surely won't come back. But in the ground makes somewhat of a difference I've found. Your bunch of pansies looks quite big and healthy!

  3. Kendra, I believe they are edible, but don't take my word on that. ;)

    Deb, they do survive the freeze. In fact, the pansies that I got came with a money-back guarantee that they will bloom in the spring. We'll see what happens next spring! :)

  4. I love pansies!! It's a little early to be planting them here though... It's been a hot August. Here's hoping for a cooler September!! :)

  5. Charity, our August was so much cooler than usual - I forget others still have more summer left. :)


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