
Friday, February 21, 2014

~On This Friday~

Simple things making me smile today:

:::a mug of hot coffee to wrap my hands around
:::kimchi prepped and sitting on the counter
Not "his and hers", just the jars that it fit into this time around. LOL 

:::my shelf full of cast iron goodness (with a random butternut squash, ha!)

:::the ice-skating penguin who lives on my griddle

:::quiet time postponed to make cookies with my girl

:::laundry that is all caught up
:::my daughter's art
:::tea, for after I've had too much coffee...

See? I am smiling:

This winter has not been for the faint of heart! We have had our due share of snow, ice, and below-freezing weather. The last 24 hours we saw sun, rain, sleet, wind, and then today? more snow, snow, snow! Craziness. 


  1. This winter has worn on me too!

  2. I'd love to know how you make your kimchi. Can you give your recipe or a link? Thanks.

  3. Carolyn, this recipe is my basic recipe:

    I reduce the salt to 2 T, do not use the shrimp, and instead of the red pepper powder which I couldn't find, I use a red pepper paste that uses the kochukaru pepper. Hope that helps! There are so many kimchi recipes out there! :)

  4. Oops - I reduce the salt to 1/4 c. not 2 T. Though it is salty enough I could probably reduce it even further!

  5. Thanks. I've been wanting to try some and yours looks sooo good.


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