
Saturday, June 28, 2014

~Our Garden~

Really, this is more Kevin's garden than my own. I haven't done much of anything, except to go out and admire it. It's a good thing, because my back just cannot take the bending over on a regular basis.

This year Kevin built four raised beds and purchased soil to put in them. The soil was so sandy and stony on the side of the house. So far, it looks like it has been a good investment! The plan is to build four more next year.

Raised Beds
Back Portion of the Garden


  1. glad this is working out for you guys!

  2. I guess you knew I HAD to comment on a gardening post! Everything looks great in those raised beds. I love garden tours and seeing what someone else is growing. I understand the back pain, too! We're still working on shoveling 18 cu. yds of DIRT into our raised beds!

    My husband built 8 raised beds this season, and next year will built more to replace ones in our old garden that have been used for 12 years--very dilapidated. I think I've been eating and sleeping garden lately!

    And I'm behind on reading blogs. Sorry I'm late seeing your latest posts.


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