Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My new name =)

Which Jane Austen heroine are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Elinor Dashwood. You're Elinor Dashwood, the "sense" of Sense & Sensibility! You tend to hide your emotions, but you feel deeply. You also feel obligated to carry the burden of keeping everyone in your family under control.

Which Jane Austen heroine are you?
created with QuizFarm.com


Anonymous said...

I already knew this!

For the record, I called you this long before you took this test.

I love you!!

Tammy said...

How funny, Kevin. :) I kind of remember you saying that. It's been a while!

Sarah Joy said...

me too! They had to ask me a tiebreaker question between Fanny Price and Marianne Dashwood and Fanny won.