It's finally planting season! It felt like it would never get here!
This afternoon I worked in my front flower beds and planted petunias and alyssum. The alyssum seeds look like this:
and was in a seed packet packed for 2007. I'm hoping they grow! We'll see! I've had them, well, since 2007, and they got tucked away and I forgot about them. I had enough to put along both front beds.
One side, all planted:
The petunias are two colors - a deep purple and a mixed purple. The lighter purple petunias are in the center row. I hope it looks nice that way!
I also planted geraniums (in a pot) with a spike in the center and vinca vines around the edge.
I still have more work to do, but I accomplished a lot today!
Looks very nice, Tammy. I hope the '07 seeds grow; let us know!
I brought my potted geraniums in the house last fall, kept them in a sunny window, watered and fertilized them and now have a lush, blooming geranium to put back outside! It's a money saver not to have to buy them every year.
Thanks Deb!
Anon, I tried wintering geraniums once, but they still died!
so how's your garden growing? I just planted a drought tolerant plant in front of the dining room window. I'd take a picture but my camera is not working anymore. :( I was looking at your etsy site and wondering if you had a receiving blanket for a boy.
My garden is doing ok...I planted regular petunias instead of Wave petunias, and I can really tell the difference.
I have a blanket I'm working on that would work really well for a boy! I should be listing it pretty soon.
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