The day after Christmas, we went to Pismo Beach, which was a fun, relaxing day. We spent some time on the beach and pier, a little bit of time browsing through shops, and then we all got fish and chips at Splash Cafe, which is well-known in the area (though I'd never heard of it!).
There were two pelicans hanging out at the pier. I've never been so close to them before! They were letting people get within five feet to take pictures.
Today has been a very lazy day. I was so tired from travelling all day yesterday. I slept in late, and have slowly been doing things around the house.
I used to joke with a friend, when it was time for me to go grocery shopping, that I needed to go shopping because all I had was condiments in the fridge. Well, there is very little besides condiments in my refrigerator, so I do need to get to the store sometime this evening!
Hope you all had a merry Christmas!
Hello Tammy,
I'm glad you had a nice Christmas! It looks so warm, there in sunny California:) More beach pictures, please????
We got buried under snow the other day.
Take Care,
Sounds like it was a lovely visit! I've heard that Pismo beach is beautiful. Must have been nice to be in sunny weather!
It's a beautiful place! Did you know my parents dated each other out there before they were married???
There are few areas where the weather is so consistently pleasant than Pismo Beach area.
The pelican is very handsome! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Okay, Pismo was officially my "stomping grounds," but I have never been to Splash Cafe. We would go to Brad's for the clam chowder. Then again, I don't think there's ANY place that sells a bad cup of chowder at Pismo.
Welcome back to snow, snow, and more snow. :o) We got 8 inches here in the middle of the state. Was it hard to come back from the warmth to this?
Those birds must have thought if we smile big enough maybe they'll give us some of those fish and chips.
Wonderful shots, Tammy!! I can't believe you could get so close to them!! I think I would have been a little scared. They look big!!
I'm glad that y'all had a good time visiting family for Christmas!!
Mrs. U
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