The dress and jacket were from the Ottobre 6/2008 issue. The diaper cover is from the 3/2009 issue. I lengthened the dress by 2 inches, and shortened the jacket 2 inches, and they are just perfect for each other now! :-)
I also had to shorten the sleeves on the jacket, about one inch. They are still a little long to allow for growth but not too long!
The flower on the jacket; it is the little details like this that make me appreciate the Ottobre patterns:
My machine does not like fleece at all. It gave me fits from the moment I started sewing. *Sigh* I've been thinking about saving up for a sewing machine, and this project pretty much made up my mind - I need a better machine!
This is the cutest outfit ever. Thanks so much for sharing.
Sue In Cincy
Just darling!! I love the little flower! :)
Oh that is adorable! Good work on that one!
the purks of having a baby girl, all that cute fabric to play with ;) love the outfit!
That jacket is just too cute! The outfit will look perfect on your little one!
Well that is just to darn cute!
That is ADORABLE.....just precious
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