UFO = UnFinished Object
I have been greatly enjoying
Deb's UFO Bust progress so I decided to join in the fun! I rounded up my UFO's and took pictures of them the other day. I'm linking up with Susan at
Blackberry Creek who is heading up this great UFO bust! :-)
First up, an afghan that my grandma (dad's mom) made. She gave the blocks to me and I just had to crochet them together. I just needed to weave in the tails and lightly block it. I sat down and took care of the tails (50 minutes worth of tail-weaving!) and now all that's left is the blocking.

Twilight Lace Wrap (Ravelry link), which is halfway finished:
Pink Rivulet (Ravelry link), about 2/3's of the way done:

Posie Gets Cozy's
Pleasant Kitchen Dishtowels...I have 3 completely finished and the other 4 are not even started. But I think of this as a UFO because I don't want to use the ones I've finished until I make the other ones!

My Oatmeal and Brown Sugar socks (Ravelry link)
. These got a rough start, what with knitting and ripping, knitting and ripping, knitting and ripping, and then finally getting things right! I have progress on one sock:

I'm including this project, I really don't know what to do with the finished lace but I have a bit of lace that I've been "working on" for ages.
My Serpentine Lace (Ravelry link) is a pretty good length of lace already, so I might just need to finish it off, depending on what I decide to put it on!

I started this counted cross stitch while I was expecting my daughter, but my hands were so swollen I couldn't work on it long, and it got set by the wayside. I don't have much done on it at all!

And then, my ever-present hanging-over-my-head UFO's:
Charm Quilt
Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt
Jack's Chain quilt top - not even close to being done. I have toyed with the idea of making this into a table runner, we'll see what happens!

So that's it! I hope to bust through some of these in quick order!