I have been greatly enjoying Deb's UFO Bust progress so I decided to join in the fun! I rounded up my UFO's and took pictures of them the other day. I'm linking up with Susan at Blackberry Creek who is heading up this great UFO bust! :-)
First up, an afghan that my grandma (dad's mom) made. She gave the blocks to me and I just had to crochet them together. I just needed to weave in the tails and lightly block it. I sat down and took care of the tails (50 minutes worth of tail-weaving!) and now all that's left is the blocking.
My Twilight Lace Wrap (Ravelry link), which is halfway finished:
Pink Rivulet (Ravelry link), about 2/3's of the way done:
Posie Gets Cozy's Pleasant Kitchen Dishtowels...I have 3 completely finished and the other 4 are not even started. But I think of this as a UFO because I don't want to use the ones I've finished until I make the other ones!
My Oatmeal and Brown Sugar socks (Ravelry link). These got a rough start, what with knitting and ripping, knitting and ripping, knitting and ripping, and then finally getting things right! I have progress on one sock:
I'm including this project, I really don't know what to do with the finished lace but I have a bit of lace that I've been "working on" for ages. My Serpentine Lace (Ravelry link) is a pretty good length of lace already, so I might just need to finish it off, depending on what I decide to put it on!

I started this counted cross stitch while I was expecting my daughter, but my hands were so swollen I couldn't work on it long, and it got set by the wayside. I don't have much done on it at all!
And then, my ever-present hanging-over-my-head UFO's:
Charm Quilt

Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt

and Jack's Chain quilt top - not even close to being done. I have toyed with the idea of making this into a table runner, we'll see what happens!

So that's it! I hope to bust through some of these in quick order!
Hi Tammy!
Welcome to Susan's UFO Bust! I am one of her "busters" too and it is one terrific encouraging group of ladies. Your completed project is beautiful. What a "gift" from your grandma! Your knitted lace is gorgeous. Good luck!
You have wonderful UFOs, Tammy. That rose afghan is scrumptious. Welcome to the UFO bust. I'll post your name and a link to your blog in my right sidebar along with the others. Good luck with your busting.
Such lovely projects!! I can't wait to see them finished! I've been wanting to knit some jaywalker socks for a while, but I've been a little scared to because my last pair of socks turned out way too big! Any tips? :)
Thank you, Lisa, Susan and Charity!
Charity, guage is really important on these socks! That was one of my struggles - I couldn't get the guage right!
Your knitting projects are beautiful. I've got the heel of one sock ready to re-attach, it's been waiting for over a year. I'll be looking forward to your progress.
Hi Tammy!
Welcome to the UFO Busters!
What a treasure you have in the lovely afghan blocks your grandmother made and that you're able to put together. I look forward to seeing the blocked afghan!
My hands won't work nicely together so I applaud anyone who can crochet and/or knit!
I hear you on the abandoned cross stitch. When I started making quilts in 1992, cross stitch was left by the wayside so I have 3 cross stitch UFOs and hope to complete them this year.
Your charm quilt and other quiltie UFOs are wonderful!
Glad you're along for the ride!
Hi Tammy ~ I've been gone most of the day and came home and loved finding out you're now one of us little green stitchers! It is very encouraging to know that I encouraged you to get started! I bet you feel a lot accomplished already just by writing down your UFOs...that's the way it was with me. There's the list...go for it and I have there's a plan now, and I've enjoyed the encouragement from the other ladies in the group!
I can't wait to see your progress each week, and of course I'll be interested in your cross stitch UFOs. I like your suggestion of making your chain quilt top into a table runner...I bet knowing that you'd finish it into a usable project in a shorter time than completing a whole quilt would make it seem more doable.
Glad you joined us!
Welcome to the Bust Tammy! You've got some great projects to bust. Can't wait to see how they turn out.
That rose afghan is just gorgeous, Tammy, and it will be so special because your grandmother made the blocks! I don't even want to talk about cross stitch, I'm so aggravated with mine right now! LOL And I think making the chain quilt top into a runner is a great idea.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a lot of UFOs! My, but your UFOs are lovely....do post pics as you finish them.
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