Tuesday, October 31, 2006

~Sock Progress~

Well, my goal for having my pair of socks finished today didn't happen. But that's ok. I'm happy with the progress I've made!

I love how the stripes have matched up perfectly. With stripes so obvious, I really wanted the socks to match!


Amy said...

These are very cute!

Tori Leslie said...

Very cool, I love the colors and how the stripes match. They look warm!

Jodi said...

Too cute, Tammy; and you almost made the deadline! :o) Did you decide on what you're going to buy to go with them?

Anonymous said...

I love those socks! You really should sell some of these to your blogger friends ... hee hee! I need warm tootsies too!!!

Your doing a great job Tammie!


ampraisingHim said...

Great job, they look really nice, especially with the colors you chose and the way they match.

Birdie said...

Wow! Those look great.

Tammy said...

Thank you! =)

Jodi--I got a grey sweater tonight! :-) It matches the grey stripes in the socks.

Lula, how funny. I don't think I would enjoy knitting socks if I were knitting them to sell.