Do you knit or crochet? Do you "do" Ravelry? If not, why not join in the fun? I got my invite in July, promptly joined...and then did nothing. But now that I see how fun it can be, and how organized I can make my knitting (and crocheting), I'm having fun with it!
My user name is "Tammy" (very original, huh?). If you are a Ravelry member, will you leave your user name in the comment box? I'd like to visit you. :-) (I already have Mrs. H and Heather of Knit or Knot as friends on Ravelry.)
My username is deej.
You also have me as a friend. :-)
At first I thought Ravelry would just be something for fun, but now I see it as a great way to keep track of yarn and projects. Also, I find it so useful to find patterns and to find projects to go with yarn I already have.
Tammy ~ I've never heard of Ravelry. I just went to the link and signed up.
My Ravelry name is: arknitter
I agree it's addicting!
Hi! Just found your blog and it's nice to meet you. My name is Croshique on Ravelry. I'm off to find you there! Love your blog!
okay, my interest is piqued. just what I need, another place to visit on the web! LOL!
My user name is June. I agree, it takes up a lot of time. I spend more time reading about knitting than actually doing it. LOL
I just recently got my Ravelry account set up! It is great fun and, I agree, addictive! My name there is charitree.
Hi Tammy ~ When I signed up (right after you posted), I was #5,680. But...I just got my invitation on Monday, 14th. That was quick!
My user name is scrapperdeb, but I haven't had a chance to do anything with it. Do you know though...I did not like the profile page asking..."what's your fave curse word?" Why oh why do people have to mess good things up?!!
Deb, I agree about the "fave curse word". I'm sure there are many people who do fill in the info...
The main way I use the site is to organize my projects, completed and in progress, organize my yarn stash, and to keep a running list of project ideas. The forums do not interest me.
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