***People have yard sales primarily to get rid of the junk they've collected around their house. OOOooooh, sign me up! Can I buy your junk?
***When I go to yard sales, I find that I'm searching for that one perfect "thing" to buy. If I didn't know I needed it three minutes previously, do I really "need" it now?
***I have to try clothes on before buying, so there's no sense in looking for clothes.
***I just really don't like digging through other people's things.
***I feel awkward leaving the sale without buying anything. Obviously that doesn't guilt me into buying stuff, but still.
***I dislike clutter. I work hard to keep the clutter out of my house. So why do I want to go around and collect it?
I realize that you can score great deals at yard sales! We have before - we got a cedar chest for $5 a few years back! Kevin refinished it and it turned out beautiful! But the whole yard-saling process just isn't for me! I think I'll leave the yard sales for those who want to go to them! ;-)
I'm with you Tammy. There was a time I loved garage sale-ing. Now I like my sleep too much and I'm big into de-junking these days anyways. We will likely go to our townwide garage sale on Father's day weekend though. We can never seem to have enough books. Besides, we can go on Friday night! :-)
I'm the same way. I try hard to keep clutter in our home at bay, too, and I sort of feel that yard-saling breeds clutter. Plus, I don't enjoy digging through a bunch of junk trying to find that elusive deal of a lifetime! I'm glad I'm not the only one! :~)
I feel the same way. Too much clutter finds its way into my house without my going looking for it no matter how "cheap" it is. Our neighborhood hosted a garage sale this weekend and I didn't sell anything or go shopping. I find that I'd rather just give things to a charity rather than try and squeeze every penny out of it. It's easy to get obsessed with stuff-even when it's stuff you're trying to get rid of.
But it's always worth it to try something new!
We are so much alike in this way. I found this out a long time ago. Yet, I envy all of those that have the knack for finding all of these goodies and posting them on their blogs!
Now, I may hit a random one here and there, but I don't ever purposely go out looking for them anymore.
Same here. My mil and sils loved yard sales, but I just never cared for pawing through dusty old stuff, or digging through tons of stained-up kids' clothes to try and find the few items that were in good shape.
I am aware that people find great stuff all the time, and if I catch a yard sale in a pricier area of town, I might stop by, or if something catches my eye from the road...but I'm not planning a Saturday morning garage sale binge when I can stay in bed and cuddle with hubby, and then make pancakes for the kids.
I don't host garage sales either. I am paranoid about having people I don't know all over my house and yard. It's an invasion of my privacy and personal space, and I would rather just donate the stuff to Goodwill.
My MIL is an avid ... did I stress *avid* ... garage sale shopper. As a result all three of her grown children *hate* garage sales. I don't particularly want to go without Hubby, and since I never, ever hit those elusive *great* finds anyway ... we skip them. And like the other ladies, we donate our overflow. I always pray that our stuff will end up being a blessing to someone else.
Secondhand bookstores, however, are an entirely different story ... the Deputy car does seem to stop at all of those! ;o)
Oh, Tammy, I'm sorry that you haven't found the right garage sale! You would love it!! I live in NY, about a 35 minute drive outside of Manhattan (hopefully, if there's no traffic) and I'm right on the NJ border -- many upscale and affluent towns. You wouldn't believe some of the treasures that I have found such as an Ethan Allen 6 ft. tall, 1 ft. wide glass and wood curio cabinet for only $18 -- mint condition, I might add. And, just 2 weeks ago, I went to a sale where the woman had just closed her tea shop -- an extremely heavy metal corner baker's rack -- only $20! Just gave it a fresh coat of spray paint. Sure, some people sell what I would have either given to the thrift store (or even have thrown away!), but there are some garage sales that actually make my jaw drop -- and I mean that in a great way! Try again -- Joanne
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