and so far it has turned out like this:
See the difference? It's a dress, not a top. Just look at the pattern drawing! If the pattern were for a dress instead of a top and the same length issues were present it would be about 12 inches past my daughter's toes! As it is, the "top" is longer than some of my daughter's dresses in her closet! The bodice fits quite well, with a nice amount of ease. It's definitely my daughter's size. Just a leetle too long.
I'm not feeling the love for Simplicity right now. This pattern should be very simple and for some reason I have had to read every step about three times before I get what I'm supposed to do. And the seam allowances are changed from 5/8" to 3/8" quite randomly. Frustrating.
Anyhow, what do you think? Keep it as a dress? Shorten to make it a top? I already have the shorts done (minus the elastic), but that's not too big of an issue, really it isn't a factor at all. As a dress does it look more like a nightgown? I have another row of ric rac to apply on the top, and then a row of ric rac on the bottom. There is only a 5/8" hem, so what you see is pretty much how long it is. Please feel free to weigh in!
I'd leave it longer to use as a dress, it'll be perfect with the matching little shorts too, even though they won't be showing from underneath - untuil the little one is playing at the playground and jumping around :) To me, it doesn't look like a night gown at all, I love the fabric, so summery!
I'd shorten it if it's still too long for a dress, but then keep it as a dress. It's darling though either way!
Tammy, I think the dress looks great as a dress. It doesn't look like a nightgown at all, in my opinion. I think it will look even better with the additional rows of ric rac.
I've found that the "big 3" patterns run big, and so I usually measure the pattern pieces to decide size instead of going by the measurements on the back of the envelope.
Now, if you really can't stand the outfit as a dress, then by all means shorten it to a top. :) Either way, it's beautiful.
I think its really cute! I don't know too much about sewing patterns....I'm just learning to read them, myself. But, I know my Mom has similiar complaints about knitting patterns. The one cool thing about leaving it as a dress is that she can wear it now as a dress and maybe even in the spring as a shirt! My wee girl is on the lean side, so we've been able to convert most of her dresses to shirts after a season or year, depending on how much she's grown....but, that also depends on how wide it was to begin with. Just a though... Either way, I don't think it looks like a nightgown and that its adorable. :>
Oh Tammy!! It is beautiful!!! Definitely keep it as a dress! And make more because it is so lovely and feminine!!!!!
Mrs. U
It's adorable as a dress! I don't care for Simplicity patterns... their directions often don't make sense to me :)
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I like it as a dress, too - that way, she can wear it again next year as a top! Either way, it's cute. My mother has always bought McCalls or Simplicity and ONLY when they are on sale for $1. However, I have found that I don't mind paying more for the more expensive patterns written by regular Moms, like Oliver + S and Pink Fig. I can understand their directions; but I usually have to call my Mom to figure out the commercial patterns like Simplicity. Not so simple!
Tammy, it so nice!!!
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