I've been doing a bit of "dusting" and arranging on my blog. Those of you that subscribe to my blog through a feed reader have noticed old posts showing up as new ones. Sorry for that! I've added some links to my sidebar, and rearranged the sidebar as well. I was so happy to figure out how to make the text on the "About Me" paragraph justified. I do not understand a lot about html, just enough to get me into trouble! LOL
And then, I'm cleaning
my house. We're having company tomorrow evening. I've got everything but the kitchen all spic-n-span.
My menu for tomorrow night is:
green chicken enchiladasSpanish rice
chips & salsa
cookies for dessert
Tonight I'm going to bake some cookies and cook the chicken for the enchiladas. I better get back to my work!
Have a wonderful day!
Image source: http://www.berenstainbears.com/
Sounds like me regarding the html stuff ;)
Tammy, the other day I posted about the flower pin cushion and referred to your blog. I hope that is okay. I should have asked you first. I'm sorry.
Tammy, is the "green" chicken dish called that because of green chilis in it? And the cookies look delish!
Sharon, no need to apologize! That is absolutely fine. =)
Deb, they are called green chicken enchiladas because they are made with green enchilada sauce. They are so good, and so easy too!
Hi Tammy! I think I commented on one of your older posts. The basement one with the geraniums. Then I came back later that day and it was gone..I couldn't figure it out! LOL I hope your geraniums are still doing well. ;0)
I'll bet your house is looking great! Your menu sounds delicious! My brother is coming into town for a visit tomorrow and I have lots of cleaning and grocery shopping to do. I better get busy!
Thanks for adding the "enchiladas" link! :o) When I saw your post last night I thought I'd search for that recipe online today. It just sounds so intriguing - lol! Your menu sounds delish!
I really like how you arranged your sidebar.
Your corner of the web is always a joy to visit!
My son walked by and wondered about that Berenstain Bear book! I promised him date with me to check out books online tomorrow afternoon. :)
Aren't the results of tidying up so fun? I love a tidy home. Your blog looks lovely.
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