Last night as I was putting something away, I found an envelope with
forty-one dollars in it! I know that I was the one to put it there, but I cannot remember why I set it aside, or when. But it was pretty cool to find it last night!
Image source: http://members.cox.net/crandall11/money/shirt/
Oooo! I love finding money! Have fun spending.
A surprise of the best kind!
Hmmm - I'd like to find an envelope like that around my house - lol! ;o)
What a nice surprise!
I wish I could find money like that! Know why? Because I hid $40 and can't find it!! I am notorious for hiding gifts, money, etc., and then I can't remember where I put stuff in my REALLY good hiding place!! I know of $40 hidden somewhere...maybe it'll show up when I'm in a jam and really need it! LOL!
I've had that pleasant experience a couple times. Change wallets and find a $20 bill. Clean under the junk drawer insert and find a $25 gift card. Puts a smile on your face, doesn't it?!
LOL, Don't you just love surprises? :)
Oh I absolutely love it when that happens, though not nearly often enough!! hehe
Hi Tammy!!
YAY!!! I love when that happens. I was looking through an old purse and found 5 dollars--woohoo:)
VERY cool!! That happened to us once too...my hubby found money in our closet that we had forgotten about. It was such a fun surprise!
And thank you for your sweet comment regarding my friend and I. : )
Oooh, what a blessing.
I haven't been fortunate to find that much money just yet... I'm usually bound to a penny or a nickel here or there hiding in pockets as I'm throwing them in the washer. *Ü*
~ Christina
HsKubes' Haven at Home
What a lovely surprise :)
Oh, Deb! Hope you can find your stash of money! =) It's much better when you FORGET about it and then find it, then to forget where you put it in the first place!
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