I've really been enjoying 3191, a photo blog. The photographers are friends separated by 3,191 miles. They take pictures each morning and post them. I look forward to new pictures each weekday.
Apparently I'm not the only one feeling warm with the 30-something heat wave we had today. I observed several people outside without their coats. Temperature is relative.
I got a Pillsbury cookie cookbook out of the library this Saturday. One of my 101 Things is to try 10 new cookie recipes. This cookbook is chock full of recipes, including full page pictures. I like to see a picture of the recipe I'm trying, don't you? I bought ingredients for two of the recipes, and I'll post pictures if they turn out well. *Grin* My last cookie-baking endeavor was a dismal failure. I baked a whole batch of cookies called "Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies", and every single one of my cookies should have been named "Hard and Crispy, Break-Your-Teeth Oatmeal Raisin Cookies". Have I mentioned that baking is not my favorite pastime?
I'm working on my 3-month bed-making challenge. First of all, it hasn't been too challenging. After I realized it took all of two minutes to make my bed, I've been flipping the covers up and sticking the pillows on every morning. I don't know why I ever got out of the habit of making my bed! In about 4 weeks, I've missed only one day (yesterday! and no, I'm not starting over!).
Oh, I named my Scotties:

But they actually aren't mine anymore! I sent them to my two youngest sisters for Valentines! *I'm so sneaky! LOL*
Have a blessed day!
LOL, I couldn't figure out why you didn't tell us your Scottie's names. I kept reading the post trying to see if I missed it. THEN! I noticed the picture. LOL
I like the names and I'm sure your sisters were very pleased to get them!
Your little scotties are just *so* cute! How sweet that you sent them to your sisters. : )
Chewy cookies: don't over bake them. Use a timer. I have a Mrs. Field Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe that you bake in 6 minutes. Would you like to try it. Let me know when you'd like to pop over for some and I'll bake some for you!!!
I, too, like to look at cookbooks with lots of colorful pictures. I need to get in the habit of taking pictures of new dishes I make and posting them with the recipes.
My mom always told me it was better to underbake the cookies than to overbake them. Timers are great!
My last cookie-baking endeavor was a dismal failure. I baked a whole batch of cookies called "Chewy Oatmeal Raisin Cookies", and every single one of my cookies should have been named "Hard and Crispy, Break-Your-Teeth Oatmeal Raisin Cookies".
O.K. Tammy, you simply MUST stop doing that to me! My dogs jump up and look at me like they think I'm crazy when I start laughing so loudly whilst staring at my computer screen! (o;
Have I mentioned that baking is not my favorite pastime?
It's not mine either. Baking leaves me feeling stilted, creatively-speaking, because you simply MUST follow the exact directions. I like to use a recipe as a base and then do my own thing! (o:
Well I think this comment has turned into a post so I'd best stop now!
Tammy, I enjoyed this post very much. You reminded me, I have to get back to the library tomorrow and turn in some videos. Also, I love to bake, and what I do, is underbake my cookies--not by a lot but by about 3 minutes:) My family loves chewy cookies, no mater what kind--so that is what I do. When you make your cookies, take pictures so we can see.
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